
Herbs improve on dishes with their aroma and when used in tea they support our well being.  But it’s only when they’ve been freshly harvested that they are optimal.  They require little space, combine well next to summer flowers and perennial herbs, and are good partner plants in your vegetable garden.  Herbs are low maintenance as long as you take care of a few basic rules.

Purchase only the plants that look healthy.  If the root ball is dry, quench it thoroughly with water until no more air bubbles surface.  Don’t plant it too deep, just plant it as deep as the plastic container is tall.

Herb Garden

You can combine plants that have the same requirements for location and soil conditions.  Most herbs are sun-loving and thrive in a protected, windless spot, even if the soil is porous, nutrient poor, and chalky.  Mediterranean herbs require just a bit of organic fertilizer in the spring.  Besides that, they can deal with dryness and can last long periods without rain and just a shot of water from the watering can.  For a Mediterranean flair you can cover the ground around your herb plot with gravel.  Gravel protects your plants from evaporation and it absorbs warmth from the sun.  Salad herbs like chives and parsley require more nutrients and need to be watered regularly.  They need some shade, as does common sorrel and lovage.  It’s also recommended that you put down a 2-inch layer of mulch to protect the soil.

Potted Herbs

If you plan on growing herbs in pots, the pot should be large enough so that the soil doesn’t dry out easily.  Use potting soil or special soil for herbs.  First place a 2-inch layer of clay pebbles or gravel  into the container, then some soil, and finally place the plant inside, pat the soil down, and water.


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