To give the own garden new structures, which bribe by individuality and quality and thereby preserve natural flair, natural stones are the ideal material. They are one of the most original building materials ever, practically last forever and need basically no care. If you are interested in building a terrace, implementing a new path, or simply giving the garden a new look, you will receive the best advice from a landscape gardener. The garden and landscape experts are professionals in dealing with all natural materials and know best which regional stone varieties blend harmoniously with the green and how they are laid.
Natural stone has a very high load capacity and has little abrasion, which is why it is ideal as a surface for roads. Paths, steps and squares form the framework of the garden, giving it structure and depth, in summer and in winter. An inviting path made of natural stone slabs in the front yard not only looks good, but also enhances the value of the whole property. When planning the routing, the desired overall impression should be considered from the outset. Although curved paths are not the shortest route from A to B, they do bring romance and dreaminess to the garden. For those who prefer a modern aesthetic with geometric accents, straight-line routes are more appropriate.
Garden walls serve to delineate the neighboring property or the street, but they can also act as a protective background or as a separating element in the garden. When constructing a wall made of natural stone, you can basically choose between dry stone and mortar. The dry stone wall is the oldest form of masonry. Field or quarries are superimposed without hardening binder, while the stability is generated solely by the arrangement of the stones and the art of stratification. Between the stones is applied only a thin layer of soil, which prevents the stones wobble and forms the necessary substrate for a later planting. Dry stone walls bring character and originality to the garden. Their columns also provide a habitat for beneficial animals from the animal kingdom, such as lizards or stone bumblebees. Dry stone walls are planted with various rock garden plants, for example the frugal Sedumarten, which gives it in the most different colors.
Mortar walls, on the other hand, have the advantage of greater stability – they are particularly suitable for higher walls, as well as decorative details such as archways, niches or wall wells.